The notion of a "Drug Free" society is absolutely rediculous and absurdly naive. What these small minded conservative and socially imperialistic advocates are really pushing for is nothing more than widespread sheepish obidience to the law. Ever hear of any christian organization speaking out against the evils of penicillin? Did I not watch tv for a while and just miss the's commercial educating young people on the dangers of surgical anethesia? The Drug War has nothing to do with drugs and everything to do with allowing the government to limit your physical liberties. If a good jolt of caffine helps you wake up in the morning, who is uncle sam to protest? if a joint helps you fall asleep at night, more power to ya! if a line of coke helps you take the edge off before a job interview, i won't stand in your way. if salvia divinorum helps expand your conciousness and level of enlightenment, i'd say go for it. it is up to the individual alone to weigh the costs and benefits of using a drug because it is their body, no one else's. the main thing that has scared society into outlawing the use of drugs is the abuse of them. do you think prohibition lowered the rate of alcoholism at all? disallowing every single responsible person from ever experiencing a drug will not prevent an irresponsible one from abusing it, law or now law. and the only way for a just society ot treat these inevitable abusers is with humanitarian aid to correct their bad habits instead of tyrannical imprisonment. not one responsible drug user poses any sort of threat to society, no matter their drug of choice. the users that do however pose a considerable risk to societ thats worth preventative effort are those that encroach on other people's rights either while under the influence or in order to obtain drugs. users buy their drugs with the same money they buy toilet paper and macaronni. abusers use all their money on drugs then have to steal toilet paper, macaronni, and of course more drugs. but maybe the government is correct in attacking the villagers to get to the guerillas. after all, it worked in vietnam. oh wait, that's right. it didn't.