In a recent issue of Seventeen Magazine, I found an ad in which you posted a warning visually similar to the surgeon general's warning on cigarettes (sounds like subliminal messaging to me) in which you said "No Biggie, Right? Until You Blow Through A Stop Sign and Hit A Kid." Also, on your website you say "Just like alcohol, if you are driving under the infuluence of drugs, your response times are slow and you could be distracted." I would like you to read item IV) Driving Response of the UK's Dept. of Transport's report on the Influence of Cannabis on Driving in which they state "Similarly, there was no significant difference between braking reaction times. The mean response times increased slightly, but there was too much variability in the data for this to be statistically significant. This variability in the results when considering the impairing effects of cannabis has been observed by other researchers." Now who should young readers believe? Commercially funded ads or government funded research reports? I know for sure I'm never believing anything your ads have to say and will encourage every young person I know to not take propaganda like yours for truth.