every 7 years you are totally new. all cells in your body have been replaced. after seven years, there is no physical piece of matter in existence that was you still existing. so the only thing left after every seven years is your mind. if your are a good person now, no one can bring previous sins against you with relevance because you were a different person. so, if you're sorry and have grown from your previous mistakes, thats all that matters. all people are like that and have been forever, even before earth. all these people, with something underlying. where are they/is that? look at the self for an answer. your mind's perspective, where is it? behind your eyes? no. your body has nothing to do with your perspective. so why don't you try be over there without moving? meditate on impermanence and how nothing in physical existence actually IS you. meditate on the seperation of your body and your mind. once you realize the true essence of the mind, location ceases to exist. like the city in what dreams may come, samsara is a common vision we all have that is suffering. eliminate your body from "you" and its similar to eliminating that vision of suffering. you become placeless. nirvana erases space-time.