ya know a really good movie? one of the best i've ever seen? american beauty. god, its just.. so.. heh, just, it's GREAT. lester is awesome after he gets on weed and blackmails his boss. he's the one i relate closest to. he reminds me so much of how i felt last january. just so free and not really happy with things, but refusing to let them get him down. but my favorite character is ricky. he's really an amazing person. makes me think of john if he ever completely realized his thing with beauty and the world. actually, sometimes john talks about the world and how he sees everything and how he grew up thinking the way he does and it sounds so close to ricky explaining things in his bedroom to jane. wish we could all feel like that all the time. i think its possible. it would be an odd transition if everybody just woke up and started thinking like that. a lot of things we're used to would wither away, but i think only the negative things. things that rely on the bad karma of the world to produce the unnecessary comforts we're used to. the great part is, if those things disappeared, it wouldnt be a comfort missed. it would be such a burden lifted from the world. things like fast food, cell phones, info-mercials, weapons (probably). utopia can exist. dont let ppl or school or psychologists tell you otherwise. society and economy and other broad, world-wide factors aren't what prevent paradise on earth (utopia, i love the word). its each and every one of us. the restrictions and negativity and deception and hatefulness that is born into ALL human mind (of the current era) is what fuels the fire of bad karma and prevents us from achieving the perfect society. until the mind of each and every one of us can think like that, realize the beauty of the entire world and everything in it and appreciate it, until then no perfect society can survive (indefinitely, at least. we've seen pretty good examples in the past, but they've always fallen victim to either inside corruption/degredation or invasion by ill nations). but hopefully, as time passes on, the minds of the world evolve slowly like life on earth until everyone becomes amazed at the beauty around them and totally benevolent. i know it sounds like such a far fetched heaven, but.. when looked at from an analytical view its kind of like a destiny of humankind. no matter what, societies and minds are only becoming smarter (more appreciative) and its quite a hard process to stop. the worst crimes against humanity would have to be prohibitions, the worst of all being on reading and writing. for a ruler of a vast amount of people who has been given this incomprehensible amount of trust (or the power to restrict nearly all of the ppl under his power) to purposely force ignorance upon the people to further himself and his rule and the continuation of his power down his own bloodline even, thats the most vile act a person can commit because it undoes all the work of centuries, millenia of the great minds before them. it erases all the good karma that has been accumulated for so long. but not completely. even then, the good karma exists in the inner most subtle minds of all people (even the person commiting the crime) and will always resurface, even after a 1984 type silencing of minds. i look forward to an eon where that place will exist, where every person you meet will be as loving and kind and generous as the next and as you yourself are. where there are no more worries in any form. of course, by then it really will have transcended the physical. every religion (including mine) addresses this eventual universal bliss because we're all optimistic in a sense about the incredibly distant future. whether its the achievment of the buddhaverse or judgement day, this all encompassing heaven on earth idea seems a pretty commonly held one. another part of it that seems pretty commonly believed is that by then it wont need to exist on earth (judgement day, everybody leaves earth. buddhaverse, nobody is ever reborn again). of course, i have to admit, i dont really have a lot of religious experience and know how. i do want anyone reading this to stop and consider that i may be a very bad example of what is commonly believed because im quite uneducated on the subject and am in actuality, only one person. always question what anyone tells you, think it over and work it into how you think. never substitute for what you think. but what im trying to say is these are my thoughts and ive gotten them from analysing my world and reading buddhism and a littel bit of other religions and just thinking on my own. so it may be the case that most religions dont even think this is a possibility. heaven and hell, good and bad karma, evil and benevolence all might NEED to exist. a buddhaverse may not be possible because ignorance might be yin to wisdom's yang. but even if its not, its a wonderful idea to keep and remember. because it can only lead to positiveness and better karma. and i think that if thinking this way can improve my life and if more and more people seem to be thinking this, how can it be impossible for everyone to start thinking this way? granted, its quite UNLIKELY, but i dont think its impossible (until im proven wrong). but to improve society and remove all the suffering of war and religious hatred (almost an oxymoron, eh?), it begins with you. with me, with anyone i talk to. the best way to improve life is to become peaceful. never strike out again, ever. always hold other superior and try to help anyone and everyone. you cant expect any bomb to solve anything. ANYTHING AT ALL. it never EVER EVER EVER will. bombs are bad. bad karma in a shell, dropped on someone. i mean, you cant get any more bad than that. you have to address suffering and evil on a personal level, with each new person you meet and each person thats in your life now. present yourself as a totally kind servent to everyone and the world around you becomes clear, then beautiful. thats the ONLY way. the true path.