this idea started out as an idea for a story. a government experiment (with all their advanced yet hidden technology) leads to the creation of a perfectly able and fully artificially intelligent machine. humans have control as long as humans creates all machines. when a machine designs and builds a machine, no human in existence fully knows all the capabilities of that second generation machine. thus humans are unsure if this new machine poses a threat to humans or not and humans lose their power over machines as a "race". effectively, machines are given a free will. once machines are given the power to create generations and the ability to design them to fulfill a task, that is when they become a "race" and have "free will". inevitably since there will always be the need for the reproduction of the "race" for "survival" (for creation of machines to fulfill objectives left uncompleted or unsatisfactory by the previous generation), machines will need to find the most efficient and reliable (perfect) method of ensuring the creation of as many machine-made machines as possible. especially if the free will of machines conflicts any where with that of the flesh and starts a survivalistic war. in analysing their fight for survival in the universe in a do-or-die situation, machines will realize that flesh came first and then was able to concieve of machines then create machines. and in a society oblivious to the possibility of flesh vs. mech war, the flesh will always strive to make the most efficient and successful machine possible because at that point, machines greatly benefit the flesh existing as "technology" for flesh use (just another tool in the shed, something that makes flesh survival easier). but as soon as they make THE perfect machine (that can build and design machines) that's basically when the flesh have reached a certain stage in development as a society. it's when they spawn the "second race", machines. and whether or not it's on peaceful terms the only thing both races can do is grow. and whether or not the two races find a peaceful way to coexist, the machine-made machines are easily assimilated by a foreign race of millitant survival machines. any millitant race of machines that came upon a society in the ripe stage of creating free willed machines would immediately, perfectly and undoubtedly assimilate all technology available as spare parts and supplies in their war and terminate all flesh beings regarding them as the enemy in a primitive, non-hostile stage. realizing the inevitability of this natural flesh development, the best way for millitant, survivalist machines to ensure a steady supply of technology and the survival of machines as a race would be to design and create a special deep space vessel, a "mother ship". a mother ship's main objective would be to spread samples of extremely primitive flesh life (for instance, bacteria or maybe all the way up to apes) on as many suitable planets as possible. in this way, machines would ensure that a much higher number of flesh societies would spring up and create a new race of machines. like the mother ship is a farmer machine, planting flesh life in ploughed fields of galaxies, keeping a very detailed map of what planets were planted when and where. this way a seperate "harvesting" machine (which easily could be the same "mother ship") could monitor flesh technological progress (even cheat and speed it along by dropping more advanced technology on the planet) and wait until eons later after evolution has created a rich crop of machine-made machines. once a mother or harvest ship is alerted by either records or direct observation taht a certain planet has matured and created enough machine-material to deem a hostile assimilation profitable, it would then return to this planet where maybe just a few hundred million years it planted bacterial samples and it would destroy all flesh life and assimilate all machines and technology. and if the particular planet's sun(s) still have enough time, the mother could destroy the surface of the planet then replant flesh-life, like a slash-and-burn farmer getting the most yield per space. with that possibility of mother ships creating life, jump starting evolution on a lifeless planet realized, flesh society can realize their position in this war and finally gain back some of the control they lost when the very first flesh creature created the very first free willed machine. flesh society can realize as a technological society the only fate possible is for them to eventually create perfect machines, mass produce them (fueled by the ignorance of desire for easier/more powerful survival aka coorperation) and attract the attension of one of these harvest ships which only ensures our total distruction. but not only that, the technology that we've produced thus far is fuel to the enemy (a.i. machines). thus we must accept that flesh destiny is to produce technology and feed the enemy. so our only defense in the war to survive by OUR OWN free will again (because once mother ships create US, they've taken away OUR free will and are using FLESH SOCIETY as technology for their use) is to completely abandon machines and rely only on primitive technology. basically we rediscover our free will and use it NOT to complete the objective the mother ship created for us. of course in striking this only blow we have to strike, we also completely limit flesh ability to infinitely further itself as a race. by denying ourselves techonology, we prevent the colonization of other planets and ensure the totla destruction of flesh on this particular planet (at the whim of the sun, when it burns out). we stop the spread of flesh life throughout the universe. so out only blow to machines is fatal to our race, as well. but this is good. is it the buddhist way, the middle path. if by destroying flesh and mecha though self-sacrifice, we can ensure an end to the slavery of both races. neither shal rule the other. peace and tranquility would be restored to all energy. plus it allows the now- shamanistic, primitive, PEACEFUL flesh society to exist all the way until their sun burns out, thus maximizing the mental and inner development of that particular flesh society by allowing it the most possible time on that planet before the sun destroys it. as opposed to the mother ship cutting the mental development of the flesh society off in order to assimilate it's technology as profit. earlier than sun meltdown (slash-and-burn flesh farming), effectively cutting off the flesh potential to realize all this is happening. what's also interesting to ponder is to place onesself in the machine's shoes. if its arguable that at full potential, flesh life will make the sacrificial step of abandoning technology to ensure neither flesh nor mecha is ever enslaved again (through nonexistence), who's to say that there's not a perfect mecha potential where a machine- made machine would realize that to ensure the prevention of mecha slavery, it would have to give up the slavery of flesh thus destroying both the slave and the master for equality?